Futuristic Space is a Japanese production that opened and premiered at the Yokohama Dance collection 2019. The project combined Israeli and Japanese performers. In this creation, Rothschild collaborated with the Japanese sculpture artist Ohmaki Shinji , whose work Liminal Air Space-Time was integrated with the performance on stage.
Futuristic Space tells a story set in a world where time has stopped, making it impossible to discern at what point in time the story takes place. An overwhelming event has gathered a group of people from different places who do not know a thing about each other’s past.
Each character in Futuristic Space carries an unknown, dark and complicated backstory into the new collective reality. They lean on fragments of memory to create together a vaguely familiar world. The work tells of this process through images that integrate the elements existing in every community: death, madness, joy, grief, curiosity, imitation, despair, yearning, sadness, anxiety and fear.
Photos: Sugawara Kota
Artisitic Team
Choreography, Direction: Ella Rothschild
Art: Ohmaki Shinji
Music: Gershon Waiserfirer
Performance: Omiya Daisuke, Sasamoto Ryoji、Suzuki Ryu, Yuasa Ema, Michal Sayfan
Costume: Shimizu Chiaki
Technical Director: Ando Senshu (A&K ASSOCIATES Inc.)
Stage Manager: Ozaki So
Assistant stage Manager: Ogawa Yoko, Kubota Tomoya, Yoshida Yuna
Stage Staff: Sato Taichi / Otome Ryota / Koike Shintaro (Yokohama Shimizu Inc.)
Lighting: Nakayama Nami
Sound: Ushikawa Norimasa
Photography: Sugawara Kota
Videography: Sudo Takaki
Organizer: Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No.1 [Yokohama Arts Foundation]
Cooperation: Kinosaki International Arts Center, NPO DANCE BOX
Producers: Ono Shinji, Nakatomi Katsuhiro, Nakaso Anna, Fukuda Hiroshi, Obara Mitsuhiro, Tani Shunya, Abe Akihisa, Oshima Naoko, Ota Ikuko, Onozuka Chika, Tsuchida Hitomi