Dance and Music Performance / An encounter between Gershon Waiserfirer and Ella Rothschild

People choose to be together because of what we call love, though often it is the consolation of sharing a fate.
This choice creates relationships that range from love, to hate, to fear, and the whole spectrum of emotions in between.
This is the ground for the creation IMO the mouth is redundant, where the encounter of music and dance creates a unique language through which one can glimpse into a wondrous and humorous world, full of contradictions, of one odd relationship.
IMO the mouth is redundant creates a picture of a relationship that cries out for a moment of peace but finds itself tangled in games of movement and sound.


Performers: Gershon Waiserfirer, Ella Rothschild
Choreography: Ella Rothschild
Music: Gershon Waiserfirer
Costumes: Inbal Ben-Zaken
Lighting: Rotem Alroy
Props: Zohar Shoef
Drawing: Alex Kremer
Photos: Efrat Mazor
Shlomi Yosef